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Inclement Weather Procedures

The Campbell County Schools Policy 06.21 states, “The Superintendent or designee has the authority to close schools when weather or other emergency conditions would make operating the school bus fleet unsafe".

Making the decision to close schools or delay school openings involves many staff members and community organizations. On mornings when inclement weather such as ice or snow is expected or is a possibility, Campbell County Schools Inclement Weather Team springs into action.

By approximately 4:00 a.m., members of the Campbell County Schools Weather Inclement Team begins monitoring weather reports and road conditions. NKY school superintendents, transportation directors, and facilities departments communicate with each other and share weather and road condition data.

The superintendent is informed about the weather conditions and a decision is made by 5:00 a.m. At that time, the decision to close or delay opening of schools is relayed to designated radio and television stations, and posted on the district's website.  An all-call is made to all parents via Messenger; therefore, it is essential that all parents keep their contact information updated at each school (email and phone number).

Typical decisions may include: School is open, 1 hour delay, 2 hour delay, or school is closed.  In the event a 2 hour delay is called at 5:00 a.m., parents need to be aware that schools are still assessing the situation and by 7:00 a.m., schools may close pending on road conditions.

Student safety is our priority – should your student drive during inclement weather?

Due to their inexperience, many students do not know how to drive during hazardous road conditions. Please consider the safety of your child when making the decision whether he/she drives to school or takes the bus. Our school bus drivers are experienced drivers and their safety record is extremely good. Parents are urged to encourage your student to ride the bus when the school operates on a delayed opening.
