Home School Notice of Intent
If you reside within the Campbell County School District and plan to home school your child/children this school year, please complete this form and return it to:
Campbell County Board of Education
Attn: Sam Jones, Director of Student Services
101 Orchard Lane Alexandria, KY 41001
Any home school wishing to participate in federal programs/services under Title II, Part A; Title IV, Part A; and IDEA-B must have filed Articles of Incorporation with the office of the Kentucky Secretary of State as a nonprofit corporation under KRS 273, or have received a letter from the IRS granting it 50l{c}(3) status as a nonprofit corporation. A signed assurance statement, verifying official non-profit status, along with a Private NonProfit {PNP) School Declaration of Participation, must be filed with the respective local educational agency {LEA).
Additional Resources:
KY Department of Education - Non-Public Schools
KY Department of Education - Non-Public School or Private School Packet
Access to Private/Home School Services
707 KAR 1 :370 (Children with disabilities enrolled in private schools) specifies in basic requirements (Section 4) that the public school is required to determine eligibility of students enrolled in private schools within its attendance boundary, to implement a service plan, and spend a proportionate amount of federal funding based on child count in order to do so.
Pursuant to law, the public-school district makes the final determination regarding services provided, and parentally-placed private school students do not have a right to the same type or amount of IDEA services the students would receive in public school.
Campbell County Schools will offer speech/language services to eligible private or home school students on a weekly basis.
Preschool students who are placed by their parents in a private school do not qualify for service plans. If a preschool student meets eligibility criteria for speech services, that student must be enrolled in the public school by their parent in order to receive services under an IEP.
In addition, each time a student in a private school gets a new plan, the following information is presented to and agreed upon by both the parent and the private school representative:
Kentucky Administrative Regulations: 707 KAR 1 :370
A private school child with a disability does not have the individual right to receive all the special education and related services that he/she would receive if enrolled in a public school.
A private school child with a disability may receive a different amount of services than children with disabilities enrolled in public schools. These services are specified in a Services Plan, not an IEP.
When a parent decides to place his/her child with a disability in a private school after the District offered a free and appropriate public education, the District is not required to pay for the cost of the private education.
Parents may file a state-level complaint if the District failed in its responsibilities to evaluate and determine eligibility for private school children with disabilities. Parents may not file state-level complaints on other IDEA issues, such as failure to provide services contained in a Services Plan.
Services provided to a private school child with a disability may be provided at a site determined by the District.
For more information, please contact:
Dr. Laura Clarke
Director of Special Education and 504 Programs
Campbell County Schools
101 Orchard Lane Alexandria, KY 41001