The Campbell Connection Center provides wrap around services to youth and their families that are living in transitional and/or homeless situations. The purpose of the program is to remove barriers that may affect the education of the children or youths who are experiencing transitional living or homelessness. The primary goal of the Campbell Connection Center is to create a stable academic environment for children. The program is funded through the McKinney-Vento Homeless Education Act.
- The act provides a broad mandate for all school districts to remove barriers to school enrollment and retention by revising policies and practices.
- Students can remain in their school of origin (The school a child attended when permanently housed or in which he/she was last enrolled).
- Students must receive transportation to their school of origin, if deemed in best interest of student/family.
- Students have a right to immediate enrollment, even if they don't have all of their paperwork - for example, medical/health records, proof of residency, former school records, immunization records.
- Students have a right to free breakfast and lunch programs.
- Communication with families/students for assistance with grades, absences, and other needs.
- Connecting families in transition to any services and resources as needed.
- Students and their families have access to a dispute resolution process through the Kentucky Department of Education when they disagree with a school about how the McKinney-Vento Act applies in their situation.
Families in Transition/McKinney-Vento Federal Law
- Sharing the housing of others due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason
- Living in motels, hotels, or camping grounds due to lack of adequate alternative housing
- Living in emergency or transitional shelters
- Living in a private or a public place that is not meant for humans
- Living in cars, parks, abandoned buildings, buses, etc.
- Youth not in physical custody of their guardian or parent
Foster Care StudentsStudents in the foster care system are protected under the Every Student Succeeds Act. These students are able to remain in his or her school of origin, if deemed in best interest by collaboration of Cabinet for Health and Family Services, Foster Parents, Foster Child(ren), and their school district. Foster care students also qualify for free breakfast and lunch programs